
Amicus Capital is committed to adhering to the highest standards of ethical and legal conduct of its business operations. At Amicus Capital, integrity, transparency and trust form part of the core beliefs that underlie all activities. Amicus Capital requires its team and affiliates to observe high standards of business and personal ethics in the conduct of their duties and responsibilities, practice integrity in fulfilling their responsibilities and comply with all applicable laws and regulations. This is codified in the firm’s policies and procedures.

Policy on Compliance with Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery Laws

Amicus Capital is committed to the prevention and deterrence of bribery and corrupt business practices. It is Amicus Capital’s policy to conduct its business activities with integrity and the highest possible ethical standards and enforce its business practice, wherever it operates in the world, of not engaging in bribery or corruption. Amicus Capital’s Policy on Compliance with Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery Laws prohibits the receipt, offering and payment of ‘bribes’ and ‘other illicit payments’ by Amicus Capital, its personnel, and its/their affiliates from / to any person or entity to secure an improper advantage, and sets forth guidelines for compliance with anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws of all jurisdictions applicable to it.

For more information on Amicus Capital’s Policy on Compliance with Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery Laws, or any complaints or reporting, you may write to whistleblower@amicuscapital.in.

Whistleblower Policy

Amicus Capital has in place a Whistleblower Policy which has been formulated to provide a mechanism for encouraging employees of the firm or any other person or third party to raise concerns on any violations of legal or regulatory requirements, suspected improper activities, incorrect or misrepresentation of any financial statements and reports, etc. regarding Amicus Capital (including its employees, advisors, affiliates and portfolio companies) without fear of punishment or unfair treatment.

For more information on Amicus Capital’s Whistleblower Policy, or any complaints or reporting under the Whistleblower Policy, you may write to whistleblower@amicuscapital.in.

Anti-Money Laundering Policy

Amicus Capital is committed to the highest standards of corporate governance and implementation of processes towards Anti-Money Laundering including Anti-Terrorist Financing and anti-bribery and corruption. Amicus Capital is also fully committed to complying with applicable local and international regulations relating to money laundering and the reporting of transactions pertaining to money laundering.

For more information on Amicus Capital’s Anti-Money Laundering Policy, or reporting of suspicious transactions (including suspicion about the source of funds or unlawful activities), you may write to compliance@amicuscapital.in.

Policy on Prevention of Sexual Harassment

Amicus Capital is an equal employment opportunity employer and is committed to creating a healthy working environment that enables employees to work without gender bias and sexual harassment. Amicus Capital has a ‘Policy on Prevention of Sexual Harassment’ to prohibit, prevent or deter the commission of acts of sexual harassment at workplace and to provide the procedure for the redressal of complaints pertaining to sexual harassment.

For more information on Amicus Capital’s Policy on Prevention of Sexual Harassment, or any complaints or reporting of any instance or behaviour of sexual harassment, you may write to whistleblower@amicuscapital.in.

Policy on Management of Environmental, Social and Governance Aspects

Amicus Capital is committed to integrating Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors into its investment process and operating philosophy. Amicus Capital recognizes that ESG aspects are among the key influencers of the value of any company, and is thus committed to the implementation of ESG policies within its own organization and organizations that it partners with.

The Policy on Management of ESG Aspects, supported by the ESG Management System, defines Amicus Capital’s approach to ESG related issues within its own organization and the integration of ESG risks and value creation opportunities into the investments that it makes. It sets forth the guidelines for creating effective ESG management systems and adopting internationally recognized standards of best practice. It aims to ensure continual improvement through the implementation of responsible ESG management processes and preventative measures in order to control, minimize or eliminate ESG risks and leverage opportunities in all its operations and portfolio investments.

For more information on Amicus Capital’s Policy on Management of ESG Aspects, you may write to esg@amicuscapital.in.

Policy on Occupational Health and Safety

Amicus Capital is committed to ensuring a safe working environment for all employees. The Company recognizes that the health and safety of each of its employees requires a commitment from its management team as well as active participation from each stakeholder. The Policy on Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) defines Amicus Capital’s approach to OHS within the organization. It sets forth the guidelines for Amicus Capital personnel effectively evaluate OHS risks as part of their work and identify and implement suitable mitigation measures.

For more information on Amicus Capital’s Policy on OHS, you may write to compliance@amicuscapital.in.

Grievance Redressal Policy

Amicus Capital’s Grievance Redressal Policy has been designed to facilitate the submission of concerns and feedback by external and internal stakeholders without retribution and with the assurance of a timely response. In order to be effective, and in keeping with the principles of the Firm, this mechanism has been designed to be scaled to the risk and potential adverse impact of Amicus Capital’s business and operations, accessible, appropriately tailored to all potentially affected persons and other interested parties, free of cost guarantee confidential handling of grievances, and fair, transparent, and inclusive.

Please click here for Amicus Capital’s Grievance Redressal Policy. For more information on the Policy, you may write to whistleblower@amicuscapital.in.